Ode to Op Shop Volunteers

(By Maureen Skeet)

The Church and our Recipients can’t Thank You Enough

We know some days can be Tough

Customers that complain about the Price

While others are so very Nice

It can certainly make your Day

To help a client find their Way

Often our neat work Rearranged

Surely by something semi-Deranged

How could a pair of Shoes

Become one to Lose

Earrings share the same Fate

Searching everywhere for the Mate

Leaving the Workroom like new Pin

Then have a late, large donation come In

Much effort goes on behind the Scene

But NEVER unnoticed, like it may Seem

There is always so much to Do

We really could not operate without You

A few years ago, we were Lead

To start and operate a furniture Shed

Male Volunteers were quickly Sought

Items displayed to be sold & Bought

So our grateful thanks we Extend

To all our very special Men

May your cheery attitude towards the Shop

Continue to bring joy to all, and never Stop

Our heartfelt appreciation please Accept

For without you we would be bereft


Volunteers you are our Treasure

To Thank you is our Pleasure