Mission and Vision
The Uniting Church is an Australian Christian movement. We share with Australian people in the search for meaning, purpose and community in life. Through worship, sharing the story of Jesus, and service in the community we witness to the belief that life is most fully found in God.
We are the third-largest Christian denomination in Australia. Within Western Australia, the Presbytery and Synod of WA serve an area of two million square kilometres. Congregations and faith communities are central to the worship, life and focus of our Church.
We have 156 congregations and faith communities formed by our 6,500 member in metropolitan and country areas of the state. These communities offer a range of experiences, from small rural congregations and large regional churches to home churches, school or agency-based groups, café church, fellowship groups, and alternative worship services.
As a “uniting” church, We are committed to dialogue and co-operation with other churches, and to participation in state, national and international bodies such as the World Council of Churches.
We accept women and men as equals in ministry, including ordained ministries, and encourage women in leadership. We openly embrace diversity, and are open to discuss controversial issues and what it means to be inclusive of all people and to respect differences. We involve all people in oversight and governance, seeking to make decisions together rather than being hierarchical.
We seek to follow Jesus, learn about God, share our faith, care for each other, serve the local community, and live faithfully and with real joy. This is the kind of church to which we belong.